
hypercalcemia PNG.png


Hypercalcemia management PNG.png

Zolendronsaeure nierenadaptiert.png

Ibandronat and kidney.png


Milk alkali (= Calcium alkali) the third most common cause of hospital admission for hypercalcemia in the US

-from excess consumption of calcium supplements (e.g., calcium carbonate).

Milk alkali trias:

(1) hypercalcemia

(2) metabolic alkalosis (from nephrogenic DI), and

(3) renal insufficiency (prerenal & intrarenal: calcium-induced renal tubular damage and vasoconstriction of the renal afferent arteriole)

Treatment: intravenous fluid resuscitation and cessation of calcium supplementation

DO NOT USE Dronates in Calcium-Alkali syndrome (risk of hypocalcemia). The patient with Calcium-Alkali syndrome is cessation of Ca supplementation- the patient will respond quickly.